September 13

So…I’m a media prosumer

We are all prosumers and consumers that live in a symbiotic relationship within the many types of media…

These four types of media can be shown through the Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory which shows how we gain pleasure from media, these four sectors are:

  1. Entertainment and diversion: This is the type of media that allows us to escape from the reality of the world. Examples include Netflix, films and reality TV.
  2. Social interaction: This is the type of media where we get the opportunity to build relationships as well as providing a reason to talk. Examples include drama series and reality TV.
  3. Personal identity: This is the type of media where we can express who we are, our values and beliefs, and reinforce what we do not believe in as individuals. Examples include Facebook and culture magazines.
  4. Information and surveillance: This is the type of media whereby we learn about what’s going on in the world. Examples include the BBC news or the Guernsey press.

These types of media are depicted in my collage below.



By knowing how the Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory works and affects us as individuals, it could help me with designing my own music magazine along with other products, as I would know what type of response to aim for to be a successful producer and get the best possible results.

September 13

The Media Ecology. Map of concepts and mediascape.

The image above of the lego farm was used to help visualize how media represents a type of ecosystem as each sector has to rely on one another to keep on producing every range of media. It can be said that these sectors have a symbiotic relationship as if one fails in their job, the media ecology will not function correctly. This shows us that it is vital that all the aspects of media share the responsibility to keep the media ecology cycle going.



The diagram above shows media ecology in more depth. It focuses on how the Government is linked to all the other areas of media as it sets the rules and laws of the media ecosystem. It is clear that the role of the government is fundamental in giving guidelines for prosumers and consumers, in addition to allowing everyone safe access to the media.


This knowledge of the different media sectors will help me significantly in producing my own media as I will need to make sure that my products fit into certain categories, this includes:

Having my products abide by the rules and regulations of the government, furthermore allowing many platforms of media to distribute the product to the public. For marketing, I would need to create advertisements such as posters to help promote my products, my products would need to be suited for particular audiences that would help me gain a higher profit.


The mind map images above show how the eight sectors in media ecology all link together to create a successful media ecosystem, it highlights in more detail how they rely on each other to produce media for the public.

September 13

So… Hello Media Studies

What are you hoping to learn? What skills do you already have? What skills do you think media studies could help you with in other walks of your life i.e. transferrable skills like communication, time management etc.

In media studies I am hoping to learn how to create different types of media and understand how the media ecosystem works with consumers and prosumers, through making media I aim to be able to know the importance of media in society in the 21st century and how it effects me as an individual.

Some skills I have already, include being able to use photoshop and creating a range of documents, I hope to gain a wider selection of skills throughout the next two years.

Media studies could help me with many skills which could therefor help me in the future, involving building my social skills, public speaking and widening my creativity.