October 5

Music Video – Shoot Evaluation – narrative

As the ska genre generally uses the conventional method of filming the narrative in the same location as the performance, we filmed most of our narrative shots on the same day as the performance shoot. However, on the 20th October 2016, we decided to use a second location that would better suit the literal meaning of the song. We asked for permission to use a set of toilets at school. The location was chosen as it had a row of mirrors with the sinks infront of them, urinals and cubicles. It had very grim lighting that would suit the seedy, urban locations we were after, so it linked to the location of our performance too. We had an hour in which to film the narrative, and as we had only a few shots to do, it gave us plenty of time to go back and redo and adapt shots we were slightly unhappy with. Overall, the shoot was a huge success. We had very little issue, other than the space of the location was compact so framing and room to move was limited.

What Went Well?

  • We had plenty of time to film. There was only a few shots to do so once they had been done once, we had almost half an hour to go back and adjust or refilm certain shots.
  • Our group was all present and showed up around 20 minutes prior – this allowed a swift start.
  • All props had been bought to the location. This suggests just how much our communication skills and teamwork have improved over the duration of the project.
  • Due to the close proximity of the camera to the band, due to the limited space in the toilets, we were forced to come up with funky and abstract angles, such as panning up Cameron as he sorted his beard out, and whip pans in front of cubicles to catch the band off guard.
  • We reviewed footage as we went to ensure there was continuity in the costumes, and the behaviour of the band.


  • Try to find locations that are larger. In this case, that was quite hard as the small space, despite its size, was perfect Mise-En-Scene. Maybe this suggests that our research and planning could be improved.

Posted October 5, 2016 by Marcus Rees in category Music Video

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