January 25

Evaluation Question 4

Throughout the A2 section of the Media Studies course, my group and I have used many pieces of media hardware and software, both old and new, to create final products for ‘Mirror in the Bathroom’ by The Beat. The technologies used have all had an influence in the way these products have concluded, be it the way in which they were made, or the finished look of the product. In order to reflect upon the skills we have learnt along the way on these technologies and see for ourselves their significance, it was important to archive them and analyse them. For this, we have used Pinterest.

Please click the image below to be taken to my ‘Evaluation Question Four’ Pinterest board.


January 20

Evaluation Question 3

Feedback is an essential part of any media product, from conception to production, because it shapes and adapts what your final video, digipak, or advert look like and how they convey their meanings and ideologies. Over the media course, my group and I have gathered feedback on all aspects of our media products, from Mise-En-Scene of the star image to Fonts found on our digipak and how they reflected the ska blueprint. We have endeavoured to use an expansive array of feedback platforms such as Google Forms and paper questionnaires.

Please find below my Voicethread presentation explaining our feedback methods, and their resulting impact on our final products.

January 12

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2 is an in depth directors’ commentary on the links and portrayals embedded into our final three ancillary texts. Our commentary, as seen below, will explore various media theorists and their interpretations on what our video means to us, what it means to a demographic, and how it has been made to show these meanings.