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Music Video – Narrative Storyboard

We created a narrative storyboard to help us out with filming the narrative section of our music video. By making a storyboard we can look at a visual representation of what we are trying to achieve whilst out filming.

For the narrative of our music video we are trying to create and isolated setting in which our actor is represented in a vulnerable and reflective state. To do this we have come up with multiple different shot and angle combinations that we feel will portray his state of mind to the audience. These shots include a lot of high angle shot to show that he is feeling small. Furthermore, we have chosen to use long shots to depict the isolation of the setting.

Moreover, we are also going to keep the camera still for three different shots so that we can fade in and out teleporting our actor as he is acting agitated. This will connote that time has passed and will show how he has been there a long time but nothing is changing.


Please click the image above to view our narrative storyboard

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