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Music Video – Shoot Evaluation – Narrative

Evaluation for Narrative shoot + targets +photos of shoot

For our narrative shoot we managed to collect some good footage such as the  high angle long shot that we planned to take. However, we did bump into a few difficulties. Such as at certain angles our footage was turning very yellow in the room we were shooting. This created a very big continuation error issue for us. Furthermore, upon returning and looking over the footage we have collected it has also become clear that now we are seeing the footage on a bigger screen that a lot of the footage we have taken has turned our blurry.

On the other hand I am impressed with the amount of footage that we managed to collect in the amount of time that we had in the location. I felt that because we were prepared due to our production meeting agenda and organised filming wise because of our storyboard we managed to get a lot done and worked well as a team to achieve what we wished.


  • To make sure that the camera is completely in focus before shooting
  • Film more close ups to give the narrative more meaning
  • Try correct the yellow footage and get the angles and re-film the angles with-out them being yellow
  • Storyboard a continuation of the narrative as I feel that the idea we have now may not cover the whole of the music video well enough

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