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Digipak – Draft 1

Below you will see images of our draft 1 digipak panes. We decided to make our artist stand out we were going to use vibrant colours to catch the audiences eye. We further named the album AWOL as it gives our artist a extraordinary feel that is relatable to the audience as everyone has had situations where they want to leave but feel that they cannot.

For the middle two panes we used photoshop to add a chromed decal onto the keyboard that says AWOL (the title of the album). Furthermore, we also remover the letters M A and X from the keyboard to emphasis that max has left. I like our general layout of our digipak as I feel all of the panels work well together and compliment each other well.

Please click the image above to see a slideshow that shows all sides of the digipak case.
Please click the image above to see a full sized digital version of our digipak panes.

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