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Digipak – Evaluation of Shoot

Overall I felt that both of our shoots involving our artist went very well. We spent roughly and hour at each location.

For the bench outdoor shoot, we set up the lighting as we had designed and it gave a very nice effect. The shadowing over our model was shadowing and mysterious. I feel that we got some really good images that will be very wee suited for our digipak.

At the other location we found a wall that was symmetrical on either side and had a cross like design in the background.  This particular part of the setting we felt could suit the front cover of the digipak really well.

The mise-en-scene for our performer is very important to the star image of our artist. We decided for the outdoor shoot to go for a darker look with a black bomber jacket. The darkness of his outfit with the background gives him a mysterious enigma that makes him more interesting. Whereas in the car park location we chose to have him in a plain outfit but the a denim bold bomber jacket as we felt it was a strong piece of clothing that makes him stand out.

Notably we made him wear a bomber jacket in both of the shoots. This is because bomber jackets are generally associated with strength. They give the perception that whoever is wearing the jacket is not to be messed with.

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