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Digipak – Draft 2

Below I have attached the computer version and the printed version of our 2nd draft of the digipak. The spine and inside has completely changed. Due to feedback we received from our first draft we edited out a lot of the yellow colour on the middle pages. We only left highlights of in in where the letters for MAX are missing. Furthermore, the spine colour has changed as we felt that the colouring was far too dull and did not suit the rest of the digipak. In its place I took the background for the lettering of MAX on the front page and used it on the spine. It suits the overall digipak better and has now become more eye catching.

This is the digital version of our digipak. Please click the image above to view a bigger file.
In the link above is a slideshow of how our digipak looks in its case. Please click above and take a look.
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Digipak – Draft 1

Below you will see images of our draft 1 digipak panes. We decided to make our artist stand out we were going to use vibrant colours to catch the audiences eye. We further named the album AWOL as it gives our artist a extraordinary feel that is relatable to the audience as everyone has had situations where they want to leave but feel that they cannot.

For the middle two panes we used photoshop to add a chromed decal onto the keyboard that says AWOL (the title of the album). Furthermore, we also remover the letters M A and X from the keyboard to emphasis that max has left. I like our general layout of our digipak as I feel all of the panels work well together and compliment each other well.

Please click the image above to see a slideshow that shows all sides of the digipak case.
Please click the image above to see a full sized digital version of our digipak panes.
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Digipak – Evaluation of Shoot

Overall I felt that both of our shoots involving our artist went very well. We spent roughly and hour at each location.

For the bench outdoor shoot, we set up the lighting as we had designed and it gave a very nice effect. The shadowing over our model was shadowing and mysterious. I feel that we got some really good images that will be very wee suited for our digipak.

At the other location we found a wall that was symmetrical on either side and had a cross like design in the background.  This particular part of the setting we felt could suit the front cover of the digipak really well.

The mise-en-scene for our performer is very important to the star image of our artist. We decided for the outdoor shoot to go for a darker look with a black bomber jacket. The darkness of his outfit with the background gives him a mysterious enigma that makes him more interesting. Whereas in the car park location we chose to have him in a plain outfit but the a denim bold bomber jacket as we felt it was a strong piece of clothing that makes him stand out.

Notably we made him wear a bomber jacket in both of the shoots. This is because bomber jackets are generally associated with strength. They give the perception that whoever is wearing the jacket is not to be messed with.

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Digipak – Contact Sheet

After going on photo shoots for our digipak, we collected all of the images that we took and put them into contact sheets. This allowed us to look at multiple images at the same time and separate the good from the bad. For example, some of the images we took were too dark or too over exposed. Some were not framed correctly and others were out of focus. Once we had eliminated the bad ones and selected our good ones we were able to establish which photographs would suit each of the panes of the CD best.

Please click the image above to view a PDF file of my contact sheets.


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Digipak – Production Meeting Agenda

This document includes the two locations in which we intend to do photoshoots in for our digipak. It stated the date and the time of the shoot which our model has agreed with. For our outdoor night shoot we drew a diagram for how we intend to light the setting of our shoot. Our model and I both drive so we have decided that the high beams of car headlights should be sufficient lighting and will give a cool effect to the photographs.

Moreover, the mise-en-scene of what we are going to get our model to wear is included in this document. That is very imporatant what he is wearing can change the way in which the audience views the artist.


Please click the image above to view our production meeting agenda for our digipak
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Digipak – Risk Assessment

To insure that we are safe on our digipak shoot we filled out another risk assessment sheet and agreed to stay clear of certain thing to keep us safe. Such as, we will not have fire as any part of our shoot. Furthermore, we also agreed that we would never leave each other alone on shoot. This is to make sure that is anything happens the other can call for help.

Overall the document below is a very important one that is going to make our shoot far more safe.

Please click the image above to open up our risk assessment document.
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Digipak – Feedback and Targets

We created a photo mock up of our hand drawn digipak. This allowed us and others to visualise what our final product was going to look like. It included the layout and colour scheme of what we intend our final digipak to look like.

Moreover, we then went on to collect feedback from three media students so we could develop upon our idea.

Although we got some positive feedback such as how they liked the colour scheme and felt that using an image of the back and front of a persons head for the back and front cover was very interesting, as it connoted that what was inside the CD case was the mind of the artist.

On the other hand they also made some very interesting points on what we can improve on such as:

  • Make it more obvious which is the artist’s name and which is the album’s name.
  • Reconsider the silhouetted man on the inside left cover.
  • Think and add in names of songs to the back cover.
  • Consider having the producers logo feature somewhere on the digipak.
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Digipak – Photo Mock-up

To help us visualise what our final digipak is going to look like James and I decided that it would be a good idea to create a photo mock up of our hand drawn mock up. From this photo mock up we can now get feedback from our peers to see if this design is a good idea. We are going to print this file out and put it into a CD cover so that we can see what the physical product will look like.

Personally, I feel that this is a good simple idea that sticks to a well executed idea revolving around our chosen album name ‘AWOL’.

To view a full sized file of our photo mock up please click the image above.
Please click on the image above to see more images.
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Digipak – Draft 1 – Feedback and Targets

Below is a document with multiple different feedback forms about our digipak draft 1. From gathering this feedback I have discovered that we need to make our digipak needs more work on the colours and editing that we have used.


  • Change the background for the lettering of MAX
  • Make the album title more interesting/abnormal
  • Edit the colour scheme in areas to fit better (the keyboard has too much colour.)

Please ignore the typed test in the ‘where’ column as we had to use a pre-made sheet to collect feedback

Please click the screenshot above to view all of the feedback that we got on our digipak draft 1.
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Digipak – Mock-up

When designing this digipak we had to consider what genre of music our artist was producing. In doing this we were then able to establish what our target audience was and who we were aiming our digipak to attract. For especially the front cover of the digipak we wanted to  try encode the star image we are trying to create for our performer. From doing moodboards of other pop genre digipaks and looking at star images of people similar to our performer we were able to pick out certain ideals for the genre that we felt had to be included. For example, on the front cover of the digipak the name of our artist has to be bigger than the album name and has to be very clear.

To further the attraction to our artists name we have decided that to make the cover more interesting we are going to add texture and contrasting colour to fill the letters MAX. By deciding to make AWOL plain white we have created a good contrast between it and the background which allows it to be clearly visible but yet still not overpowering the artist name.

Furthermore, we have decided that we would like to go for a simplistic design as it is more relatable to the audience. An example of this would be that for the back of the digipak cover we have literally decided to take a photo of what would be the back of the front image. It is a simple yet effective way to show the audience that actually he is just like them.

On the inside panes we have decided because the album is called AWOL which means ‘absence without leave’ that the pane on the left would  be a photo of an everyday busy location that has his silhouette cit out of it. The busy everyday location makes it reltable to his audience and also plays of the idea that everyone gets fed up with the life that they are living at some point so shows the hope that one day maybe they will be able to leave also.

Moreover, on the right hand pane where the disk would be we have decided that a cool idea would be to digitally create a record player. In the centre of record players there is a little paper piece where either the name of the artist or an image is normally displayed. We have chosen to put an image of him walking away from a large city in this place. Again this is playing on the idea that everyone want to leave. It makes his seem relatable in the most simplistic way.

Please click the image above to view our hand drawn mock up of our CD design