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Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning, production and post production and evaluation stages?

I created a moodboard using pinterest that includes 30 pins including a variety of different technologies that I used throughout all of the stages of making my products. These stages are research, production, post-production and evaluation. Creating this moodboard was a good reflective task as it made me realise how much I have accomplished this year. It also clearly displays what technologies I now have a good understanding of.

In the research my moodboard showcases how and what I researched for all of my products so that I could learn the conventions of my genre and artist.

During production I used multiple different technologies to get started with all of my ideas that were majority based off of work from all of the research that I had done.

At post-production I pieced together all of the work that I had designed and produced in the production stage. All the technologies that I used at the production stage of my products is noted in my pinterest moodboard.

Lastly, I have noted all of the technologies that I used at the evaluation stage. Such as how I collected feedback and exported my work.


Please click the image above to view my Evaluation Question 4 pinterest technologies moodboard.
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Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real products?

In the slide share below I have analysed my work in detail in comparison to other professional media products similar to my own. This task clearly shows where I have chosen to conform to the common conventions of the pop genre and where I have thought it to be more appropriate to break common conventions.