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Music Video – Draft 5

Below is our draft 5 of our music video. This is our final draft before of final product. It includes all of the footage that we intend to use and has no gaps throughout. The rap section and last chorus has not been completely filled in. In the performance side of the last section we attained more footage and have compiled a completely new section that we feel works very well.



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Editing Movement

To make our music video more interesting I decided to add motion to shots which made the overall video far more interactive. I did this to make it more interesting and also to make the edit feel faster. The edit felt faster by adding motion to shots because I  was able to make  movements on beats which meant that I did not have to cut the shot shorter but still made it more interesting.

To edit motion like in the video above I had to edit the ‘Motion’ effect on each individual shot. The first clip at 100% speed shows how I used motion to make shots interesting and engaging for the audience to watch. The second clip shows how I used motion to edit to the beat to make the shot more interesting. I have also slowed each clip down to 50% so that you can see how more easily how effective using motion was.

In this screenshot you can see the layout of my screen and what clip the motion effects on the left hand panel are effecting.
In this screenshot you can see a closer up image of the effects tab and how I edited the motion in still shots.

Please click the images above to make them larger.

By selecting the timer tool on the left hand side I enabled the possibility to edit the size and positioning of the shot in specific moments throughout. In some other shots I also edited the rotation and other aspects of motion. Further adding to the excitement of particular shots.

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Music Video – Draft 4

In this draft of our music video the whole of verse two has been precisely edited. The pace of the edit  has been improved and clips of the performer singing the wrong part of the song have been removed. Although there is still more editing to go and a piece of footage to be added in for the raping section of the song I feel that the video it looking good and is progressing well.

There has been some slight yet tactical movements in some shots of narrative in the video. This has been done to use the heightened parts of the song to emphasis important parts of the narrative. For example at 2.40 minutes the clip of the male in the gas mask falling has been moved further along so that he falls on a heightened and emphasised part of the song therefore making the fall far more dramatic.

Below you will find draft 4 embedded, please take a look.

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Draft 3 – Feedback and Targets

For draft 3 we added in and opening to the music video which we were particularly keen to see how the audience received. Our feedback showed that the sequence added a sense of professional editing to the video and set the scene nicely for the narrative of the music video.

Moreover, the movement that we added to individual shot in the video worked well as people thought they were engaging.

For this draft we got feedback in the form of YouTube comments and social media (snapchat).

However, we also had target for what to improve on for our next draft.

For example;

  • Need to edit shorter shots. Make the pace of edit faster.
  • To improve on the positioning of some lip sync clips as they seem very slightly out of place.
  • Remove repeated footage.
  • Make parts of the narrative more understandable.
Please click the image above to see our YouTube comment feedback.
Please click the image above to view all of our social media (Snapchat) feedback for draft 3.
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Music Video – Draft 3

Since draft 2 we have progressed with our music video quite a lot. We have been doing precise editing and have decided that an opening to the video would be beneficial. We are going to ask for feedback especially on the opening to see what the audiences opinion is on it and whether they think it contributes well to the rest of the video.

Furthermore, we have started adding more shots in to make the pace of the edit faster as it has been requested in feedback we have received in previous drafts. The faster pace makes the video more enjoyable to watch and makes it more exciting. An example of where we have edited a faster pace in would be roughly 1.58 minutes in. This is the second chorus of the song and a part that has noticeably improved since draft 2

Overall, I am happy with our progression from draft 2 to draft 3 and hope to have the whole of verse 2 precisely edited by draft 4.

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Draft 2 – Feedback and Targets

In draft 2 a lot more footage has been added and the video is now it full length at 3 minutes 23 seconds. To fill in blank spaces we have put a whole single performance from our performer across the whole video. This also saved time as it meant that we only have to lip sync that clip once rather than on multiple different occasions.

We got a variety of different feedback for our draft 2. Some positive and some negative. The start of the video was liked as the pace of the edit is fast and interesting. However, because the pace of the edit at the beginning is fast it is very easy to see how much the rest of the video needs to speed up.  Long shots need to be shortened and some need to be removed completely.

Another piece of feedback that we have found interesting and feel with further our product a lot is that the fight scene is not long enough and need more emphasis. Because of this we have revisited the draft, upon looking again we agree with this statement and have decided that we are going to go on another shoot and film a fight scene that does the narrative more justice.

Targets for draft 2;

  • To re-shoot the fight scene
  • Speed up the pace of the edit to match or surpass the first section
  • Delete and repeated sequences that have been included
  • Shorten the performance shots
  • Edit movement into the performance section to make it more interesting
  • Include a wider variety of shots
Please click this image to see some of the feedback we were given
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Music Video – Draft 2

In this draft I have included all of the separated montage narrative that makes up the majority of the 3rd 3rd of the music video. It also includes a rough-cut of the confusion chorus edit that consists mostly of rapid closeups.

From completing this draft I now feel that I could have done with filming one more narrative shoot to get the final pieces of footage that I need to make the video look more whole.

Below is and embedded version of my draft 2 for the video please watch.

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Music Video – Shoot Evaluation – Narrative

Evaluation for Narrative shoot + targets +photos of shoot

For our narrative shoot we managed to collect some good footage such as the  high angle long shot that we planned to take. However, we did bump into a few difficulties. Such as at certain angles our footage was turning very yellow in the room we were shooting. This created a very big continuation error issue for us. Furthermore, upon returning and looking over the footage we have collected it has also become clear that now we are seeing the footage on a bigger screen that a lot of the footage we have taken has turned our blurry.

On the other hand I am impressed with the amount of footage that we managed to collect in the amount of time that we had in the location. I felt that because we were prepared due to our production meeting agenda and organised filming wise because of our storyboard we managed to get a lot done and worked well as a team to achieve what we wished.


  • To make sure that the camera is completely in focus before shooting
  • Film more close ups to give the narrative more meaning
  • Try correct the yellow footage and get the angles and re-film the angles with-out them being yellow
  • Storyboard a continuation of the narrative as I feel that the idea we have now may not cover the whole of the music video well enough
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Music video – Production Meeting Agenda – Narrative

We use production meeting agendas to keep filming days organised and make sure that everything is planned. It insures that we will not forget anything sure as props. Also it sets a definitive time for a shoot which means the shoot will definitely get done. Furthermore, I find that this document has helped the time we are filming run more efficiently which meant we could fit more in as we were organised with what we were doing.

This document includes the date, time and location of our shoot. Who and what we need to bring to the shoot and also who is responsible for each thing that needs to be brought along.

Please click the image above to view our production meeting agenda
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Music Video – Narrative Storyboard

We created a narrative storyboard to help us out with filming the narrative section of our music video. By making a storyboard we can look at a visual representation of what we are trying to achieve whilst out filming.

For the narrative of our music video we are trying to create and isolated setting in which our actor is represented in a vulnerable and reflective state. To do this we have come up with multiple different shot and angle combinations that we feel will portray his state of mind to the audience. These shots include a lot of high angle shot to show that he is feeling small. Furthermore, we have chosen to use long shots to depict the isolation of the setting.

Moreover, we are also going to keep the camera still for three different shots so that we can fade in and out teleporting our actor as he is acting agitated. This will connote that time has passed and will show how he has been there a long time but nothing is changing.


Please click the image above to view our narrative storyboard