Teacher Feedback – screencastify

This is a screencastify on some teacher feedback which we have receaved for our draft 3. We have taken on some of the advice given to us and will implement them into our draft 4.

some advice which we have taken is

  1. Add a fade to the end so it transitions out smoother.
  2. Edit the text that pops up slightly by makeing it bigger and look at other fonts.
  3. Make the two shot longer.
  4. Switch up the images which are over lapted ontop of the video.


Music Video Draft 3

this is draft 3 for our music video.

what went well

  • More effects were added which made it look like it was made on a low budget for example the camera focuses in and out at the start.
  • We added an overlay over the top of the main video to make it look like the tape was breakingĀ and static was appearing
  • Text was added when the singer says No recess, this adds an extra layer to the song
  • colour correction was done to most of the shots, the biggest colour correction which was done was the black and white filter which was added when the student is in the classroom to show his sadness and fustration.

Specsavers Feedback

What I have learnt during the Specsavers visitĀ 

    • I have learnt to layer images over clips to add depth and extra effect to them. We added multiple images of film and static to make it look like a broken film. We then added TV static at the start to make it look like the video was glitching out.
    • We also learnt how to nest the edited footage together so we can move every image at once instead of one at a time, this also helps with colour correcting and ediiting long time lines.
    • We plan to add more of these effects to the video with mainly of shots of the band. We also have plans to add a shake to the camera to give it a more grunge look.
    • We took inspiration for this idea from the music video for the song Letter from a thief by Chevelle, this video has scattered pieces of film which has been overlayed over the top of the original footage.

Music Video Draft 2

what went well

  • most shots are colour corrected for example the shots of the band at the start, some of them have had the exposure increased or the warmth of the image.
  • camera shots are focused which was an issue in the first shoot but were corrected in later shots.
  • the narrative makes sense and scenes lead on to each other or link. For example when the actor closes the locker then opens another locker later on and the camera is inside each of them.
  • multiple shots of the band so the audience get a scene of what genre it is, for example from the clothes which they are wearing to the locations they are in.

what we could do better

  • different effects such as adding text over the screen when they say no recess, a camera shake after the build up.
  • more transitions such as when the actor closes the locker door we could open up the next scene when he opens the other locker or from when there’s a strum on the guitar and follow that motion into the next shot.
  • move band around more to show more of the school and the thought that the band is invisible and following the main actor.
  • other technical angles such as canted angles or motion with the camera such as a camera which follows through and around the band.

Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut –

what went well

  • The band is roughly edited to the song, this is a good start and we can tweak clips to speed the up or slow them down to they match the lyrics.
  • cuts are on beat which makes the clips line up with the song and add depth to it.
  • The first half of the narrative is filmed which means that we can focus on the other half of the
  • Some shots are interactive and relate to the song for example the shots of the band in the classroom and the the

plan for draft 2

  • Record more of the narrative so the narrative can make sense and theres an ending.
  • colour correction so the lighting looks better. For example increasing the contrast slightly or changing the temperature of the clip.
  • more shots of band so it isn’t just narrative, we could get higher angles of the the band or moving shots around them.