Making a storyboard is crucial when producing a narrative video, anyone should be able to understand the storyboard and illustrations without any background information, in order to execute a similar video to ours. In our storyboard we included 14 clear images to map out our narrative sequence about walking to get something out a locker (with a twist). Planning was helpful to stick to a time schedule and record everything efficiently with a variety of shots that were also referenced on our storyboard e.g. long shot, tilt, pan, extreme close up, dolly, wide shot. Planning also means everyone on your production team is on the same page and prevents confusion or arguments when in the later editing and filming stages.


We used Adobe Premier Pro to edit our sequence together and input audio/music soundtracks along with a DSLR camera to shoot the entire sequence. Popular tools we used throughout were: the razor tool, the snip tool and the colour effects tool which helped us get clean cuts and convey the narrative well. The razor tool allowed us to line up the videos exactly with the beat of our ticking soundtrack. The snip tool meant we couldĀ cut to close upĀ and provide a range of viewpoints. The colour tool allowed us to create different mise en scenes and feelings in our sequence.


  • We used a range of shots throughout: pan, dolly, extreme close up, wide shot etc. which kept the video entertaining and engaging.
  • We created an atmosphere of fear half way through the sequence with colour effect tools to reiterate the narrative and feelings the audience should be experiencing.
  • We made sure to edit for narrative sense– keeping our video simple.
  • Our actors used facial expressions continuously and it seemed realistic.
  • We worked well as a team in the editing stages to use match on action for differentiation.
  • Our ticking soundtrack works effectively in building suspense.


  • In the long walking through the corridor shot, in one section of jumping back and forth the actor starts further back, this is an error in the editing stages.
  • When filming, we should have done more takes to allow us to get the cleanest, most professional looking shots when one actor is being dragged.
  • The soundtrack could be a little more interesting, we could have added a theme song or music over the ticking sound as well, making our narrative sequence more engaging.

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