• The spacing on the spines of the back cover is now polished and equal, leaving no white lines or overlays with imagery.
  • The barcode and copyright symbols have been added to ensure our digipak looks legitimate.
  • The background image on the back cover of the model’s eye has been zoomed in slightly to cover up her nose, the barcode also works to cover this issue and make the photographs seamless.
  • The title of the album ‘People Pleaser’ has been moved from the top of the back cover to the side, I believe this polishes off the overall image and the text fits more effectively here, rather than along the top as there were framing issues and awkward spaces with the model’s arm/posed position.


I am very pleased with the outcome of this digipak. Overall, the look is cohesive and appealing to communicate our pop genre effectively through costume, colour palette, font and body language. The final design choices e.g. moving the title text on the back cover, adding in the barcode, refarming the spines and enlarging the star all work together to create a polished, professional look within the typical design conventions we aimed to follow. The graphic design on the inside left cover, text wrapping tool use and layering of images display an innovative, unique brand and portray the personality of our model well. The colour palette is simple yet enticing, the glowing white colour mixed with the subtle tones of purple convey the pop genre conventions well; they act as a visual signifier (Barthes and de Saussaure) for a fun, upbeat and exciting narrative to be portrayed. As mentioned prior when doing research on the pop audience, we discovered vibrancy, individuality and confidence were present within many listneners and this colour palette works well to represent this social group. The sans serif fonts are classic and timeless – alike many nostalgic songs associated with the music genre – and this adds a calm, traditional feeling for the consumers. Keeping the font simple was crucial because we wanted our star to be the sole focus of this digipak, with nothing taking away from her extraordinary image (Dyer). This digipak highlights our star as being confident and empowering (poses display this), striking (holographic, unique costuming displays this) and innovative (distinctive design choices display this). These adjectives were chosen by us to describe our star’s personality and brand when originally researching and promoting, further proving our cohesive appraoch and meaningful choices behind every design decision.

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