
Timeline and Marketing ideas

This is the plan for the social media page posts which include the content and order of posts. This brief collective of notes will help us to accuratly build up to the release of the album and create tension in order to intrige the audience and maintian interest. One of the most key features of the plan is to sell the audience product which includes merchandise and music, this will inturn lead to more customer retention as the audience will feel included within the fanbase. Furtheremore the audience will be interacting with the artists and eachother, a decent example of using AIDA to affectivly attract, keep and sell to the audience. Another point to note is that the timing of posts is very important as the posts will be updates on the big release of our main attraction for example the teaser post. The action of buying products is a promt to the audience to make action, while the actual selling of the merchandise is planned to be done without mass production to create exlusivity and therefore maintain the hype around the star image/merchandise.

From these slide I believe we can take inspiration from marketing campaigns such as glass animals, oasis, and U2. Glass animals in particular as they have had recent succuess within the music industry with thier digital and social media approach, for example they have taken thier videos to youtube and done synergy with other relevent music artists. To add they have also heavily used social media which is an inspiration our band would like to take and recreate in our own way.


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