Social Media Page Self Assessment

Below is a link to and summary of our social media posts;

I’m happy with how we’ve managed to build a strong narrative and pull off the idea of an ARG for our audience, a unique and engaging marketing technique. We installed good brand consistency with the use of consistent colours, fonts and filters in the imagery, as well as using a consistent cipher in our mystery text posts.

In future I’d like to spend more time developing the ARG elements however, to make them feel more rewarding to find and decode, maybe including elements and clues within the digipak design or tour poster, so everything feels a bit more interconnected.

Timeline and Marketing Ideas

To begin preparing to put our page together, we compiled our post ideas in this slideshow, highlighting what we want featured in each post and why. In summary, the overarching idea for our page is to create an alternate reality game (ARG) alongside our album promotion, creating an interactive sort of treasure hunt/mystery that our audience is encouraged to solve and engage with. You can see an example of this by the band Twenty One Pilots, in June 2020 they organised a similar interaction to promote their single “Level of Concern”. However we also aim to draw from what we learnt from analysing another social media page too, merging the two sides of release promotion and narrative reflective of the two characters seen in our music video.

Social Media Page Terminology

In preparation for our own page, it was important we got an idea of the conventions and fitting terminology by identifying them within in another artists (with a similar audience)’s page.