Slumdog Millionaire Scene

Macro-features in a film are the features relating to the story of the film and what is trying to be connoted. These include the plot, the narrative and the genre of the film which are all used to set the scene of what the film will be about. Micro-features are what you physically see when watching a film these include the mise-en-scene for example; costume, lighting, action, make up and hair and the setting of the scene.

The lighting in the scene from Slum-dog Millionaire varies its intensity and amount of shadow seen. When the main character is in the gameshow room the lighting is very lowkey with lots of shadows and dark areas, this shadowy dark lighting represents the memories he is looking back on as it was a very dark time of his life as he lost his mother and became an orphan. Anoyhert part of the scene where lighting played an important toile in expressing meaning is when Latika is stock in the centre of the shot with her shadow elongated making her body look a lot smaller than it already is, this conveys she is a very vulnerable and insignificant child who’s importance is so minor.

The action in this scene commences with the children playing and the mothers washing the clothing and men and women getting on with their daily lives, the next part of the scene where the hindu men attack this muslim community is a complete contrast to the start of the scene. There are people running around frantically with people getting beaten and chased this signifies the pure terror the hindu fighters have bought upon the community. When there children are running away from the fights they run past Latika who’s back is against the wall showing her vulnerability.


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