Superhero Genre


  • Parts of the iconography and Mis-en-scene are very similar to a typical Superhero film. The film is set in an urban cityscape with tall buildings and busy streets.
  • The filmic techniques are also similar as The Dark Knight includes big explosions, car chases and costume reveals, these are very common in superhero films as they make the film more exciting and makes the hero look more heroic for defeating the large scale of evil portrayed in the explosions.
  • Batman does have a sidekick, in his case two, he has Lucius Fox and Alfred Pennyworth who help him on his missions whether that’s designing his tech gear, giving him advice or just being his butler!


  • Unlike most superhero’s Bruce Wayne does not have any supernatural powers his abilities come from high expensive technology and pure bravery.
  • The shape of the story is different the normal plot of a superhero film as it starts with an action scene where the villain is introduced before the hero this is a good technique as it entices the audience in to watch what happens next.
  • His superhero costume is different to typical ones as its dark coloured which you wouldn’t normally associate with a good superhero as hero’s normally wear primary colours.

Advanced Cinematography. Cinemotographer, Vittorio Storaro


The frame uses contrast in the reflection of the windows to give a slight optical illusion that there is a pattern on the floor. This also causes an imbalance of light which attracts the viewer’s eyes to the light and then onto the man walking by the windows which suggests he holds an important role in the scene. The frame also has a rule of thirds where the first column of squares would be brightly lit then fading into darkness on the right.



Pans Labyrinth Essay Reflection

I am pleased with my essay as I feel like I did cover a lot of the criteria however I do have some things to work on. Next time I will include more key words and terms to have more accuracy and present more of my understanding towards the scene. I will also use my knowledge of the whole film to support my information in the scene I’m anaylsising.

Batman as a superhero

Batman does have some similarities to the typical hero however there are some characteristics he upholds that are very different in terms of being a typical superhero, for example he does wear a suit but its dark coloured and makes him look like a villain even though he’s actually a good character.

Hero’s Journey and Character Types of The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight doesn’t follow the typical Superhero journey as much as other superhero films, it starts very intense in a world that is not the typical equilibrium of most films, this is partly because it is a trilogy so there is a background story so an unknown equilibrium make of been present before the film began. The character functions are quite clear in the film as I could identify who takes the role of each character type. The girl is the reward for the hero however in The Dark Knight Batman does not get Rachel Dawes as his reward as she dies but the reward for the hero was actually the idea of Gotham gaining restored peace again.