Draft of front page and self assessment

After creating my draft magazine cover I looked at the marking scheme for it and wrote down what I had included and what I need to consider when I come to making the proper one. This enabled me to see what I had and hadn’t done and a rough grade of what my magazine cover is currently at.

When I make the proper one I need to improve on numerous aspects of the page such as adding more cover lines and editing the ordinal image on photoshop. After making these adjustments it will enable my magazine to look more conventional and attract a wider audience. It will also allow it to be more professional. I considered 5 targets to give myself to further improve this.

Five targets to give myself:

  • Add more headlines
  • Edit the image more on photoshop
  • Make sure the cover lines are catchy
  • consider and make more layouts
  • Cut out the model more precisely

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