Contact sheet

This was a photoshoot that we took within the white studio. We set up artficial lighting to create sharp shadows and harsh lighting within our images. We used a variety of angles and different shots. If were to do this again we could do different styles of makeup and different costumes within the images. From taking these many photos we were able to have a lot of different images to choose from, enabling us to select our favourtites easier.

Design Production Meeting and Risk Assessment


Before our shoot for our digipak we planned out what we would need for our shoot and when and where it would take place in order to help us be prepared. We wrote down a list of equipment and props that would be needed and organised who would bring what so that we were able to ensure that we have evrything. We also filled in a risk assesment to allow us to consider different locations and to see if there are any risks or hazards we may come across.


DP mockup

For our digipak we drew out what would go on the outer covers and inner covers, as we were planning out our ideas to draw we made sure that the star image wel well portrayed and realted well with the genre. We also considered what our narrative was as well as the repertoire of elements ensuring that it would be up to our audience standards and expectatiosn to attract and draw them in. We also considered preffered reading to make sure that the audience wants the text to come accross as how we want it to. We also wanted to make sure that after our final stages of production within our digipak that the audience would encode and decode it in the correct way.

We chose an artist similar to look at that has a similar colur theme to what want to use within our digipak. This enables us to visualise and now what colours we need.

Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

We created a presentation for our star, explaining how she will stand out from others, gain a wider fanbase and keep her fans intriguied. In this slideshow our brand was described and how the star will be promoted, as well as her unique selling points and integrated advertsting that will be used. Each slideshow spoke about the audience, call to action and promotion. If we don’t provide the right brand the audience could reject the text, to avoid this we will create bold graphics that relate to the star and brand, in order to get the fans to respond how we like.




Music Video Draft 2 (Includes shoot 2 footage )

Further improvements…

  • Make some of the clips shorter to keep attention and interest.
  • Add colour filters.
  • Crop out on some of the videos, to avoid background distractions.


I looked at another students music video and used the criteria to mark there work, overall it was a good video with numerous locations, angles and transitions. Here are some improvements that could’ve been made: more filters and some narrative could’ve been added to create more of a story. This video is similar to ours in the sense that it has a large percent of performance, the genre seems similar as the star is wearing a luxurious dress with jewellry, this video gives us an idea of what we need to work on such as shortening some of our clips.


Teacher Feedback – screencastify

Targets for development…

  • Move central shots off centre sometimes.
  • either make her paler or her hair redder, to stand out from background.
  • watch out for coming out of character.
  • Strobe effect for papparazi.
  • More close ups and POV’s.
  • Moving through the frame more.
  • Use papparazi scene with under my skin lyrics.
  • Cut back on long shots.
  • Play with colour saturation and exposure in studios with blue paint.


Specsavers feedback

Members in the creative sector within Specsavers came into out class to look at each of our music videos to see what worked well and wjhat needs improving, as well as how to improve it. the feedback we were given to do include…

  • Adjust the saturation of colour, by adding filters.
  • Zoom in on different shots to cut out any background distractions.
  • Select colours to change to allow it all to link in.
  • stablise the camera to avoid any shaking within the videos.

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