I am a media prosumer

I am a media prosumer

In the slide show above is the type of media I use and what I enjoy. This will vary from person to person as people use different social media’s for different reasons. For example I use youtube as more of an entertainment when I watch people like the sidemen and Seth’s bike hacks. Were some people will use it for education or information. The platform I use the most is Google as I use it for things like online shopping, the news and information for school work. I mainly use media for entertainment purposes and too relax from every day life.

The main types of media we use are….. 

  1. Information
  2. Personal Identity
  3. Social Interaction
  4. Entertainment

Uses And Gratifications 

These types of media are called the Uses And Gratification. These were first found in the 1970’s by two people called Elihu Katz and Jay Blumler. They realised that people were using media to they benefit and put them in these four main categories.

To conclude, I have learnt from this work that they are many different types of media and lots of people use these in different ways. I find it very interesting that certain medias use different colours, texts and images for these platforms to target they audience’s and show the type of message they are trying to give. From this I now know how to set out my magazine.

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