Social media page draft 2

Social media page draft 2

Since the first draft, we have added lots to our social media page. These post have included lots more teasers, content, interactions for the fans and the stuff that we realised we needed to add from the first draft. I am happy with the finished product of the page and believe that all the posts are all in a good order to release the album and all the items we have promoted along with it.

Below is the finished social media page… 

Our finished social media page, including the tree link website in bio.

All of the ten post about the album release.

The final post, which has the release of the album, thanks to all the fans for support and links to the music to listen and buy.

Here is a link to the page… 

Teacher feedback

Once we had finished our first draft of the page our teacher reviewed it and gave us some feedback on what we should add in the next drafts. He did this by following the same successes criteria that we did for the draft 1 reflection. The video for this feedback is in the video below… 

What we did well….
  1. Good links to our charities
  2. Great layout of the page and the same graphics and face type as the digipak.
  3. Linking our music video in the bio
  4. Good use of teasers throughout
  5. The use stories and highlights have been designed and used well.
What we can improve on…..
  1. The page and posts overall need more interaction for the audience
  2. The use of links needs to be more effective
  3. Use cross media convergence through the links you add
  4. Some of the posts could mention more about what is happening/ released
  5. Overall the page needs more opportunities to engage in sales and advertisement for the audience

In conclusion, I believe that the social media page was a great successes and has promoted the image and information that we wanted to. This is down to a few key things. One, as I have learnt lots from this course work one of the most important parts of the processes is to plan things well. When we have planned well, we have succeeded without any problems. When we didn’t plan enough it has kicked us in the back later down the line in the work. By planning each individual post with the post timeline it has helped us keep on track. Another reason for the great success of the page was looking at what other artists and bands have done for there release of albums on their own social media pages. Seeing the processes of how they tease the fans and interact with them was important and key information to take and apply to our page. From the teacher reflection we found out that we had not put enough links into the posts or added parts for the audience and fans to interact in.This is something we targeted for the second draft of the page. We managed to do this by creating a tree link for the page. This involves a link in the bio to our own website with all the links that we have listed in the posts in one place. This is done for the fans to interact to our content and engage. By adding these extra links it will create more ideas for ADIA and more of the audience will interact by creating a bigger buzz of the overall marketing campaign.

Social media page draft 1

Social media page draft 1

So far we have created our social media page and started to add content to it. We have transferred some of the content and logos from the digipak to the social media page to show it as more of brand. We have published four posts so far, this content includes teasers for the album and the single. We have also released the single with the music video. We have also posted some of the behind the scenes for filming more music videos and shoots for media releases. Something that we looked at when doing are research for the page from what other artists have done in the past was the use of of stories and highlights on Instagram. We have taken this idea and tried to apply it to our social media page by using stories to promote things and keep them saved through the highlights on the page.

Below is what our social media page currently looks like and the process of the posts we have done…

This is are most recent version of the page.

This was the page once we had added the first few posts and teased the new single

This is the page once we had released the single

Here is a barcode and also a link to the social media page

Self Assessment

Once we had done draft one of the page we had to create a self assessment to make sure we had hit the criteria we needed to. Also to think what typical conventions a social media page for a band or artist would have in theirs. It was good to do this reflection as it made me release what conventions and essential things that we have in the page but also what we need to add in for the next draft This reflection sheet is below… 


This assessment for draft one was really helpful & useful to do. This is because it’s realized how much we still need to add in for the next drafts. In draft 1 we have included lots of the conventions you would see on a social media page and the basic things such as a call to action, interaction & engagement, content and design coherence. However there is still things like cross media convergence, synergy, promotion of live events and social issues we have not shown/promoted. This is something that we will need to improve and change for the second draft and without the assessment we would have probably not realized we need to add in these important features to it.

Timeline and Marketing ideas

Timeline and Marketing ideas

Now that we have analysed and looked at other bands social media pages that are similar to our bands genre, it is now time to start planning what we are going to include in our social media page and what platform we are going to use. We have decide on using instagram as we feel it very popular with the genre we are going for and what most people in are target audience use. The task we had to complete was create a post it timeline of all the planned posts and marketing campaigns that we are going to upload to the Instagram page in order to promote the new release of the bands album. These posts that we create must involve teasers, launch dates, promotions, social interactive content, and excitement.

This timeline of posts is below….  

Once we had come up with some ideas for the bands instagram page we then had a look at what other artists have done in the past in order to make releases of the songs and albums exciting and popular within there fan base. We had to choose 3 examples of things bands had done previously that we liked and thought maybe we could use on our social media page. These 3 artist were… 


Coldplays marketing campaign consisted of for the 20th anniversary of one of their albums to create a website with a playlist of their music on and a map of the world. Then the more fans listened to this playlist across the world in each country the more that country glowed up on the map. I think this is an awesome idea as it gets the fans interacting with their music but also gives them and idea of who listens to their music most around the world so could help for advertising in the future. This could work for out social media page as we could have the same thing for the music video and see who would listen and watch it the most.

Coldplays marketing campaign for the 20th anniversary of there album Parachutes


Oasis’s marketing campaign was based around the 25th anniversary of they major album (Whats the story) Morning Glory? The idea of the campaign was to grow their online presence between platforms and and by doing this growing there younger audience.The band create a lip-sync challenge of one of there favourite songs Wonderwall which fans to sing along to online. It was also the perfect opportunity for the band to create a Tik-Tok account and also share these challenges using specific hashtags. They also partnered with big platforms like youtube to release exclusive content of the songs and behind the scenes of when the album came out. I think we could use some of these ideas for our social media page and include lip-sync challenge of some of the albums songs in oder to interact with the fans and and build on this fans base and online presence.

Oasis’s marketing campaign for the 25th anniversary of their album (Whats the story) Morning Glory?

Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen sadly passed away in 2016. He was a big music inspiration for pop music and Thanks For The Dance decide to create a instagram account for him in order to grow his audience by getting more younger people into his music and know about his life. They used the new feature on Instagram  of story highlights and used this to the best they could by creating one for each on of his new songs from an album. Each highlight told a story about the song and showed the lyrics. This gave new fans a beautiful way to really engage with each track and digest the lyrics from Leonard fully. This is a really good idea and I think we could really maximise the potential of the Instagram highlights where the audience can look back on stories that we have posted of the songs, merchandise, albums and information we promote.

Leonard Cohens Instagram page and songs that tell a story


From doing this task it has prepared the group more in making our social media page. We know what posts we are going to do and also how to attract the audience attention into are music and what we have to offer to them by using some of the marketing campaigns that we have looked into. With all of the is knowledge and information we can now create the social media page and start to upload some pots to attract the audience from our genre.

Audience interaction with a social media page

Audience interaction with a social media page 
- An analysis

The task was for us as group to analyse an artists social media page online. To look for the key conventions that they use on it. We decide to choose the same band that we did the song from our music video, Catfish and the Bottlemen. Once we had decided on an artist or band and found the type of social media we wanted to analyse which was their instagram. We then had to answer several questions on what we found out, these were.

  1. What is conventional about the page in terms of technical conventions.
  2. How does the social media page encourage Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA) through its design and content
  3. How does the social media page enable the audience’s Uses and Gratifications or how does provide its users with opportunities for Entertainment, Information, Personal Identity and Social Interaction. 
  4. How far is the social media page a good example of integrated advertising and how far does it encourage it to go ‘viral’ and use ‘guerrilla’ marketing to help promote its star?
  5. How is the star represented – ordinary, extraordinary, present and absent.

As a group we answered these questions and record them over a screencastify which you can watch below.   


This task was useful to do as we learnt more about features that the bands and artists use to promote their start image to the audience through their individual social media pages. Whether this is on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. But not only to promote the band but also to show what they are up too, when they are releasing new things to the public, announcements and what they believe in and they views on what is happening in the world. The questions answered what type of people the band is and whether they are extraordinary or ordinary stars. It also gave us and insight to what type of audience the band has and why they like Catfish and the Bottlemen and the music they produce. All of this information is important to look into, remember and would be vital to add into are social media page when we create it.

Social Media Page Terminology

Social Media Page Terminology

Once completing are digipak for the band our next task is to create a social media page for the band. The idea of creating this social media page is to promote the new release of the album and music video we have made. Before we create this social media platform we have to get understanding why bands have social media pages, what they use them, for and what this means for the typical target audience member in the genre. To do this we need to know the key terminology and technical conventions used in these social media pages. Then apply this into a band or artist who is similar to our genre and look at their social media page and annotate and find these key terms. My example is in the slideshow below… 


From doing this task I have gained helpful knowledge and information on the terminology used in a social media page which a band in are target audience would use and having a social media page. This is good for their fanbase, global presence and to continue to grow as a brand in order to create  promotion and awareness of upcoming tour dates and songs or album releases as part of their marketing campaign. It has been helpful as we now know what key features we will need to include when creating our own social media page into the coming weeks and what they individually mean and what effect there have on our own brand.

Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

Our Mission Statement - The Package Brand

Now we have finished are music video we now need start planning for a digipak and social media page. In this task we had to find out who are typical audience member would be, how does the audience engage with the band, who is the bands competition is, why is our band special and what is so unique about them and write a 50 word mission statement to sum up the band. We have gathered all of this information and put it into the slide show below.


This was great way to gather some ideas as a group on what we are wanting and what we are looking for in our digipak and social media page. We now know what the typical audience member is like and also what competition we are up against when when promoting this new band to the consumers. This was a good task to do as it prepared us for the following task we are going to do and lets us as a group start to talk about what ideas each person is think of doing for both the social media page and digipak. We now have looked a lot more into the genre of our band and how other artists promote this in certain ways to click with their audiences in order for them to engage with they brand.