The Camera Talks

The camera talksĀ 

In are groups we had to go around the school and get 30 photos and try and tell a story in these photos. We used lots of different places and lots of different angles to try and use what we had learnt about in the previous lesson about how to use the DSLR cameras and what setting, angle, distance and framing to use when taking photos.

Here is the photos that we got…


It was very hard to learn the basics on the DLSR camera’s and the photos that we took on them did not turn out how we wanted them. This was down to the aperture, where we took the photos the lighting was very bright meaning most of the photos were out of focus and blurry. Luckily I had taken some photos on my phone so we were able to use them. I am happy with the photos that I took on my phone and feel like I got a good range in the different styles.

Here are my final nine photos that I have selected…


The final nine photos that I selected try to each tell a story, the quotes I put with them also help to tell this. I am happy with how the first photo came out by using the shallow depth of field it brings out the main feature of the rock. The photo I feel that tells the best story is the last one. This is because the centre of the photo is based around a bike helmet which stands out well because the sun is reflection on it. The main question in the picture is why is it there, and how did it get there?


From this task I have learn’t a lot about DSLR camera’s. At the start I did not know how to use one and how to get the right setting to make the perfect picture. Although the pictures we did take did not come out how we wanted them to be, I know for the future what to do right to get that perfect shot. When working towards my music magazine I also know how the angle of the camera can effect the image and message you are trying to put forward to the reader.



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