My Audience Profile and Research

  My Audience Profile and Research


Before I create my music magazine I have to do some research on the type of people that like my chosen genre i.e target audience and that will read the magazine.Also to find out what their basic interests our and what they like to do apart from listen to music. I managed to find out this information on a website called ‘yougov’.

Above is the information I found out about Britpop fans…..

After collecting this information I then had to create a dating profile about a typical Britpop fan and this is what I made.

When doing this task I had to think about the ‘Reception Theory’ which was invented by a man called Stuart Hall. His theory states that the audience’s option on something is decided from what they read and think about it, and that the audience and the creators option should meet in the middle in order for something to become successful and work well. For my magazine to be successful and popular I have found out these options and things that my audience likes and put this information in my dating profile to create the perfect reader.

From doing my dating profile I have got a better understanding of my target audience for my Britpop genre. I now know what the typical person likes to do not to do and what they interests are. I can use some of this information I have found out and add it to my magazine.


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