Masthead Designs

Masthead Designs

Before making my music magazine I have to think of some of the main features on the front cover. One of these being the mastheads. Apart from the main cover photo the masthead is one of the main features the audience see’s first when looking at a magazine. So getting the right one to fit with the genre is very important.

The task was design some mastheads that go well with are genre and are magazine title. My magazine name being Rolling Records I wanted a flowing font for the rolling letter and was going to edit the height of each letter.

Here are some of the designs that I have got for my magazine….











The first four designs that I got are off a website called dafont.

  1. I like the way this font rolls like the word and how the bottom of the letters flick up. I think that I will use for the rolling word. I have thought that with using this font I could have the letters in different positions going along the page but being up and down.
  2. The use of the bubble writing makes the letters big and stand out which I like. I think that the use of the filling out the bubble writing with a colour will look good depending on what colours I choose for my magazine.
  3. This font is bold and simple the letters stand straight up which is what I like about it
  4. I particularly like this as it looks like a record and links in well with the name. I might only use this font for the O of the records and the rest in the third font.


From looking at lots of different designs I have decided that for my magazine masthead for the Rolling I will use the first font and move the letters around. Then for the Records I am going to use a mixture of fonts three and and four have the main letters as three but the O as four giving it that records like feel from the design.

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