First shoot contact sheet

First shoot contact sheet

When doing my photo shoot I had to do it twice. This is because on the first one the automatic focus on the camera was turned off. Meaning that most of the photos were blurry, however I still managed to get some photos from it that weren’t as bad. Although this was annoying I found out what positions worked well and what outfits looked best on my model so when i did the second shoot i knew exactly what to do.

So on the second shoot I did, I used the the same positions for the model and clothes and made sure the auto focus was on which made a massive difference and the quality of the photos were a lot better. I am very happy with how the second shoot went and I didn’t take as many photos in the second one as I knew what poses worked well so just did them. Some photos were still blurry in the second one though but I managed to mainly to get good shots.

Below are my contact sheets of the first and second shoot…..


Here are a few photos that I think that could be used on my magazine front cover….

I like this photo because the the way my model is holding the guitar looks cool. The one thing that lets this photo down is that model isn’t looking at the camera which I would prefer

The use of props in this photo is really good. The model is looking at the camera with glasses on and has a attitude in his face.The outfit he is wearing links well with my genre.

This is my favourite photo. I like how the model is pointing and looking at the camera which will attract the audience more when looking at the magazine. Again the use of the guitar as the prop looks really good. The models facial expressions are good and shows the mood of the magazine and genre.

This last photo is quite different to the other ones and is based mainly around my planned cover star. It has some aspects of the photo before it but just a different costume and props. The microphone is an excellent prop and shows that it would be a music magazine.


I have chosen these photos because I feel like they represent my genre best. The photos aren’t blurry and I feel like the quality of them is good for my front cover. The use of the guitar as a prop in the photos really help as they convey Mise En Scene linking with my genre of Britpop. The use of he microphone as a prop also makes the photos look good as it looks like my model is playing on stage. From reflecting on these photos I think that I will pick a photo that has the guitar on it as it is perfect for the genre. Some of the other photos that I like can be used somewhere else in the magazine especially with the parka.

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