Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Draft of Front Page and Self Assessment

Below is my first draft for my magazine front cover……

I am happy with the work I have done so far. I feel like it is like other magazine in my genre.

Three targets I have set myself to make my next draft better would be….

  1. Too add my content information/cover lines on the right hand side.
  2. change the font on the front cover as I don’t know how well it goes with my genre.
  3. Too sort out my bar code and issue date placement on the bottom left corner. If I do this I feel like it will make the magazine look neater and more professional as most magazine have these features close together.

In conclusion, from doing this self assessment on my first draft I now know what I have done well and also what I need to improve on and adapt on when doing my second draft. Giving myself a grade at the end of the assessment has also given me a target to improve on a get better in my final draft and make it look more professional.


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