What is a Contents Page?

What is a Contents Page?

Before making my contents page I need to know what a contents page includes in it and how I want my layout to be like. I have done some research on other magazines that I like that have good contents pages and think could be some good ideas in there for mine.

Some conventions of a contents page are…. 

  • Name of magazine
  • Structured layout
  • Sub lines – more details about a article/ page number
  • One main image – relating to the main article
  • Smaller images – with pages numbers on them
  • Issue date
  • Heading – mainly with the word contents
  • Page numbers

Below are some contents pages that I like from other magazines…

From looking at these different designs I designed too draw out some ideas that I would like my contents  page to look like.

I know that when making my contents page it need to look eye catching, bold, factual, colorful and have lots of photos on it. This is because if a contents page is not interesting people won’t want to read the magazine anymore. The first few pages are the most important as it draws in the reader to look at it more and see what see’s is inside. The actual writing in the contents page also needs the easily visible so the reader can clearly see what is in the magazine and the exact page of each article.

Here are some examples of contents pages that I have made….

From these designs I think that my favorites are the top left one and the bottom right one. This is because I like how the top left one is section off with a good mixture of both pictures and content for he readers to look at. The bottom right one I got the idea from the research I did having the pictures at all different angles with the text at the bottom. I also like how I would have the writing of the contents on the right hand side of the page with the date ad issue in it’s separate box. I feel this something different and will work well with my magazine.

I think that I am going to base my design for my context page around the bottom right one. I think that this will go best with my design and will look good. I can change some of the designs once I have started if I feel it doesn’t look good.

Here are some potential headlines that I could use in my contents page.

  1. Return of Britpop
  2. Exclusive look into upcoming music 
  3. Top 20 best new tracks 
  4. Britpop’s newest breakthrough band 
  5. 2021 festivals you don’t want to miss 

From doing this task I have got a better understand of what a magazine contents page looks like and it layout is. I can now use this and add it to my work with the designs that I have come up with. It has also helped me plan out my own design and know what will work and what might not work.

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