Draft Feature Article

Draft Feature Article

Before doing my magazine double page spread I have to make my article about my genre. To do this right it is important to plan what type of article it is going to be and what I am going to say. Below is my planning sheet for my article.

Click on the image to view it betterĀ 


Once I planned my article, I wrote my first draft this is below.


Click on the image to view it betterĀ 


Click on the image to listen the article

When recording my article I asked the questions and got my brother to answer them. I did this so it felt more like a real article. I feel like from this first daft I am happy with how the article flows and sounds. I will be happy to hear what feedback my teacher gives me from this first draft so I can improve on it.

Some targets that I would give myself to improve on this would be

  1. Try not to stutter when reading the article
  2. Make sure the article is grammatically correct so it makes sense

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