Perfect Production Group

Perfect Production Group

As a group we have created and filled out this production group form showing some of the skills and planning we are going to produce and use. We used it to help us organise and think about the commitments we would need to have starting this music video. Below is the production form… 

From filling out this production document we as a group we now know what we have to do to be successful when doing the music video and the commitment that everyone need to put in. It has also shown the groups skills and how we can use them to our advantage in the future. We now also have a rough plan for the production of the video and and some of the roles and responsibilities the group has. I think that from doing this task I have better understanding of the things we new to plan for the future as a group, how important it will be to communicate with the rest of them and if we get stuck we can do back to this form for help.


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