Star Image – The Performer

Star Image - The Performer

The Star image for every band or performer is very important to promote to attract the target audience to listen to them.  Our task was to create a mood board about are start image and find out how they promote them selfs to the media. The Mood board we created is shown below…. 


From doing this task we have found out about the bands Metanarrative and gives us a better understanding of how they show them selfs to the media and a group. This work has helped our group of what to think about how we want to represent are star image of the band. I think that we should have the band as angry and rebellious. This is because of the song we are using  and how it is about a girl who isn’t very nice and manipulates a guy into doing things and she plays around we him. The reaction of this would be angry. We will achieve this in are music video by showing emotions through the band, facial expressions, the props that we use and how the band looks rebellious in terms of costume. To archive this well we will have to think about Richard Dyer’s Paradox theory about how stars are represented.

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