Shoot 1 Reflection

Shoot 1 Reflection - performance


This shot shows some of the great shadows we captured in the bunker with the lighting.

A mid distance shot of the band.

A slightly closer shot of the band playing.

From doing our first shoot I am really happy with how it went. As a group we all worked really together and got some great shots for the performance side of the video. The bunker we went to was a great place to do the shoot and the lightning we used gave off some great shadows and reflections on the band.

Some things that went well were …
  • We got lots of great shots of Ollie and Toby playing the instruments
  • The lighting we used was great and gave off some great reflections and shadows which conveyed the meaning of trapped and gave the area some real gloom and darkness to it
  • The location of the shoot was really cool and think will look really good in the video
  • We got a wide variety of distances of the band really showing the performance and everyone playing they instruments well.
  • The costumes of the band were great and linked in well with the genre this adds that extra Mes En Scene for the audience to notice in the video.
Some things that didn’t go to plan were….
  • We could have got a few more shots of me singing the lyrics because we didn’t get as many as we wanted.
  • We could have got a few more transitions and angles to help us transition between scenes
  • We didn’t have many props in the clips which wouldn’t convoy the genre well.
  • In a few shoots the band could have a bit more effort and feelings when playing.This would just give that extra boost extra in the video that we mean what the lyrics are saying and would make the performance.


From doing this shoot I am happy with the out come and hopefully the rest of the group is. I feel like we have enough shots to fill up the performance side of the video and don’t need to do anymore shoots for it. Now we just need to focus working towards the narrative side of the video and the layout we are going to have for that. From this shoot we have represented the star image well in the way we were planning on doing it before. However I feel like we will definitely need a lot more of the star image in the narrative side that is a lot more important to represent it .

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