Narrative development

Narrative development

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Above is are narrative development sheet for the music video. Before filling this out me and the rest of the group were quite uncertain still about the the layout and meaning of the narrative side of the video. However from filling this out we are all a lot more confident with what it it going to look like. Being able to plan out each scene in lots of detail have been very helpful to us as a group. Also having what themes we want to convey is good and we filled this in first then filled in the story line of it. Now that we have filled out this form if we get stuck in the editing or filming side of the narrative we have this too look back and at try and stay on track and follow what we originally look to do.

In conclusion I now feel more confident going into the narrative shoot coming up. As a group we are happy and have all imputed into this sheet giving are ideas of what the themes, conflict and disruption we could try and do to link the songs lyrics with the performance and narrative to show meaning. I think we need to convey a message through our narrative but not tell the full story use things like  episodic and anachronic too slightly confuse the audience when watching the video to watch it more times and work out a storyline. This could very from person to person and thoughts about the video  Without doing this task I feel the group would all have different  ideas on what to do where as now we have come together and talked about them all it we have agreed and disagreed on stuff we know what to do.



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