Shoot 2 reflection

Shoot 2 reflection - Narrative


This image is show the main character in the narrative receiving the affects of the pain from Abby (the girl) physically

This shot is showing the main character looking towards the bunker which he has been led to

And this is the reverse of the last shot of the main characters point of view looking at the bunker

Again in this image is the main character getting in more pain after trying to find Abby

Above are some of the shots that we got from our second shoot…

This shoot was a lot different  from the first one for many reasons. For the shoot we went to Pleinmont headland around the fairy rings and also around the bunkers at the top as this is where the music video finishes. The two main problems we had when were were shooting was the weather and and the camera. The day we went it was very windy so in lots of our shots you can see the camera moving around on the tripod. The weather is evident in the photos of the shoot above. The second problem we had was with the cameras brightness. For over half of the shoot the brightness on the camera was really dark effecting lots of the shots that we got.

Some things that went well were ….
  • We got some good angles and transitions from scenes
  • We followed the plan for how the narrative would go
  • We got lots of actual  footage its just quite a lot of it wasn’t up to standard
  • The location of the bunker is a good place to finish off the video
Some things that didn’t go to plan were…
  • The weather conditions and the shakiness of the camera
  • The brightness of the shots for the first half
  • Not enough close up shots of the narrative
  • We didn’t get full shots of the full narrative as we are missing a girl for part of it.

In conclusion, there are lots we lean’t from this shoot. I would say that it wasn’t successful in the shots we got but as a group we gained a lot. We need to prepare are selfs more before the shoot for example just getting the equipment is not good enough we need to make sure that it is all working and in order. If we did this we wouldn’t have had as many problems with the camera. However are second problem of the weather conditions is something we couldn’t have changed and is what it is. Next time we should look into it before we go as its in big open area. Now we know this are group is  more prepared for future shoots.




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