Music Video Draft 2

Music Video Draft 2

I am really happy in the improvement we have made from the first and second drafts of our music video. The group has worked really well as a team with sharing responsibilities in doing the work. To help improve are video even more the group have looked and watched some past videos to get some ideas and see what they did well. We will then review are video again after and see how we could use some of the ideas they have used in our video.

Some things that the past video does well is…
  1. It has a good visual effects throughout the video of both the band and girl
  2. Has a wide variety of distances through out the song
  3. The lighting of the band works well to convey the message that they are trying to show of anger

Some things that we can improve for are next draft is…
  1. Make sure that they is no blank spots left in the video
  2. To improve some the really windy shots at the end of the video
  3. To make sure the audience understand the message we are trying to show through the narrative by moving around some of the clips of the boy and girl at the start of the video to make more sense
  4. To try and have some more shots of the narrative in different places and not to show repetitive shots. The impact of this is to show a different verity throughout the video and not lots of the same shots.
  5. To make sure all of the narrative scenes are in black and white so the audience completely understands the difference between the narrative and performance in the video

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