Music Video Draft 3

Music Video Draft 3


Student feedback

Below is some of the feedback that I got from some of my fellow students from what they thought about the video.

What worked well

  • Good performance and narrative – works well together
  • Lip syncing is all in time
  • Good transitions
  • Long, mid and close up shots have been used well
  • Like that the narrative and performance are obviously different with colour correction etc
  • Good variety of shot angles and distances
  • Good overlays and other editing
  • The performance setup looks good, especially with the shadows
What could be done better 
  • More filters and effects could be used
  • Make sure its all edited to the beat
  • Maybe a faster pace of edit in the higher energy parts?
  • The narrative is very confusing so maybe a bit more clarity?
  • Some of the shots are low quality or out of focus so either improve quality or make them look more intentional
  • Zoom in end part is very rough
What has changed since are second draft?
  • We have got rid some of the singing at the the start because we realised it wasn’t just one person
  • We have synced in more of the performance with the song so everything is in time. We Also add some wider verity of shots of the band in the first half of the video.
  • Got rid of some of the grain shots because they did not make much sense and didn’t add anything to the video
  • We introduced the boy and girl more at the start of the video for the audience  to understand better
  • We pushed back the first stabbing so it gave us more time to set the scene and show more of the band

Again with all the the feedbacks we have had with the video this is all stuff that our group can take into consideration for the final draft and decide as a group what we do want to change. We have made some big and small changes between the second and third draft from the feed back we got from both my teacher and Specsavers. Hopefully between the third and forth draft the details and changes will be minor and just small tweaks to finish off the video. We are all doing this to make the video the best it can be.

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