Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand

Our Mission Statement - The Package Brand

Now we have finished are music video we now need start planning for a digipak and social media page. In this task we had to find out who are typical audience member would be, how does the audience engage with the band, who is the bands competition is, why is our band special and what is so unique about them and write a 50 word mission statement to sum up the band. We have gathered all of this information and put it into the slide show below.


This was great way to gather some ideas as a group on what we are wanting and what we are looking for in our digipak and social media page. We now know what the typical audience member is like and also what competition we are up against when when promoting this new band to the consumers. This was a good task to do as it prepared us for the following task we are going to do and lets us as a group start to talk about what ideas each person is think of doing for both the social media page and digipak. We now have looked a lot more into the genre of our band and how other artists promote this in certain ways to click with their audiences in order for them to engage with they brand. 


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