Digipak Conventions Analysis

Digipak Conventions Analysis

In this task the group each had to find an album from are genre and annotated it looking at the layout of it, some of the themes that are used and could be used in most styles for the genre and the techniques the band has used to draw the reader in to buying it.


From doing this task it has widened my understanding of digipaks. I especially highlighted on from this one about how they are made, what the formal key elements that are in every digpak like the track list and barcode, how they are specially made for the target audience to buy and listen too, what message the band is trying to convey to the audience through it and what the generic features are that are in more digipks for that genre like having a simple design too them. This has given me a better understanding and made meĀ  realised what we need to put in the groups one in order to hit these targets and it too be successful and the represent what are band is.

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