PMA For Digipak

Production meeting agenda for Digipak

Now that we have an idea for what the layout of the digipak is going to look like we can know plan when we are going to do the shoot for it. To do this we made a production meeting agenda with all the information on it. It included the shoot list, where we are going to do it, props we might need and the equipment needed. We decided we are going to do the shoot at school so we do not need to make a risk assessment for this.

Below is the production meeting agenda sheet. 


The production meeting agenda sheet. Click on the image to view the full document.


This task was useful to do as it we have now our planned the shoot. We as a group now know what we have to do in order for it to be successful and the shots we need for the covers of the digipak. It has given us a better understanding who’s going to do what to get ready for it and will use it to look back on when actually doing the shoot.


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