Digipak draft 3

Digipak draft 3

I am really happy with the final outcome of our digipak and I think the rest of the group are too. We managed to stick to the plan well and it has come out like we wanted it to. Along the way we changed a few of the ideas but the main covers are very similar to what we planned on the draw up sheet. It was also good to get feedback from some of my fellow piers and my teacher on what they liked about it and some things we could do to improve it. It wasn’t till we printed the covers off and put them into CD case we really got a idea of what it looked like and how all of the components worked together and made it look like a real digipak. Below is the final draft of the digipak… 

Click on the top image to view the full PDF of the covers


Once we had printed of the final product and put it in the CD cover we then conducted a survey where we showed some people the CD cover and asked them what genre they think it went under. We then wrote down the results from the survey and they are shown below.

In the survey we showed 14 people our digipak and asked them what genre they think its from the results were….

Rock – 6

Drill – 1

Indie – 4

Pop punk – 1

Indie Rock – 2

Finished digipak in CD cover – Front

Finished digipak in CD cover – Inside covers

Finished digipak in CD cover – Back page


In conclusion, I and the rest of the group are really happy with the finished product of the digipak. We feel like we have promoted the message and story that we wanted to. We have been able to do this by using the typical conventions in the genre for things like the colours we used and font/typeface. Hopefully our target genre understand this, and the meaning behind it and each individual song. The survey we did was useful to do and gave us confidence in the work we had done. As the genre for the album and band is Indie rock we feel like the people we surveyed could see this. Although we only got two votes for Indie rock which was 14.28%. We managed to get six votes for Rock and another four for Indie which equates to 71.42 % of the votes. This tell us that the typical audience have a rough understanding on what genre we are trying to promote. I feel like this has also given a good image of the start image and band. Hopefully now we have started to build on this brand we can use it for future coursework like our social media page.

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