Social Media Page Terminology

Social Media Page Terminology

Once completing are digipak for the band our next task is to create a social media page for the band. The idea of creating this social media page is to promote the new release of the album and music video we have made. Before we create this social media platform we have to get understanding why bands have social media pages, what they use them, for and what this means for the typical target audience member in the genre. To do this we need to know the key terminology and technical conventions used in these social media pages. Then apply this into a band or artist who is similar to our genre and look at their social media page and annotate and find these key terms. My example is in the slideshow below… 


From doing this task I have gained helpful knowledge and information on the terminology used in a social media page which a band in are target audience would use and having a social media page. This is good for their fanbase, global presence and to continue to grow as a brand in order to create  promotion and awareness of upcoming tour dates and songs or album releases as part of their marketing campaign. It has been helpful as we now know what key features we will need to include when creating our own social media page into the coming weeks and what they individually mean and what effect there have on our own brand.

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