Social media page draft 2

Social media page draft 2

Since the first draft, we have added lots to our social media page. These post have included lots more teasers, content, interactions for the fans and the stuff that we realised we needed to add from the first draft. I am happy with the finished product of the page and believe that all the posts are all in a good order to release the album and all the items we have promoted along with it.

Below is the finished social media page… 

Our finished social media page, including the tree link website in bio.

All of the ten post about the album release.

The final post, which has the release of the album, thanks to all the fans for support and links to the music to listen and buy.

Here is a link to the page… 

Teacher feedback

Once we had finished our first draft of the page our teacher reviewed it and gave us some feedback on what we should add in the next drafts. He did this by following the same successes criteria that we did for the draft 1 reflection. The video for this feedback is in the video below… 

What we did well….
  1. Good links to our charities
  2. Great layout of the page and the same graphics and face type as the digipak.
  3. Linking our music video in the bio
  4. Good use of teasers throughout
  5. The use stories and highlights have been designed and used well.
What we can improve on…..
  1. The page and posts overall need more interaction for the audience
  2. The use of links needs to be more effective
  3. Use cross media convergence through the links you add
  4. Some of the posts could mention more about what is happening/ released
  5. Overall the page needs more opportunities to engage in sales and advertisement for the audience

In conclusion, I believe that the social media page was a great successes and has promoted the image and information that we wanted to. This is down to a few key things. One, as I have learnt lots from this course work one of the most important parts of the processes is to plan things well. When we have planned well, we have succeeded without any problems. When we didn’t plan enough it has kicked us in the back later down the line in the work. By planning each individual post with the post timeline it has helped us keep on track. Another reason for the great success of the page was looking at what other artists and bands have done for there release of albums on their own social media pages. Seeing the processes of how they tease the fans and interact with them was important and key information to take and apply to our page. From the teacher reflection we found out that we had not put enough links into the posts or added parts for the audience and fans to interact in.This is something we targeted for the second draft of the page. We managed to do this by creating a tree link for the page. This involves a link in the bio to our own website with all the links that we have listed in the posts in one place. This is done for the fans to interact to our content and engage. By adding these extra links it will create more ideas for ADIA and more of the audience will interact by creating a bigger buzz of the overall marketing campaign.

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