Chosen Adverts

Chosen Adverts

Now that I have completed my magazine. I can put my magazine into Flipsnack in order to do this I need to find some adverts to fill up the blank pages in between my articles. I have to choose 2 adverts that will suit my genre and fit well with my magazine.

The first advert that I have chosen is this

I have chosen this because it is a live virtual gig that is happening the month of my magazine released. Liam Gallagher is doing the gig who is one of Britpop’s most well known artists so fits perfect to go in my magazine. This is a perfect example of who my target audience for my magazine is as most of the people who read it would watch this. This would be good to place at the front of my magazine next to the contents page .

The second advert that I have chosen is this

I have chosen this advert because Pretty green is a popular clothing brand that many people wear. They specializes in making quality parkas and Mod clothes for both men and women that my target audience is likely to wear. This is something that will go better at the back of my magazine where lots of magazines put clothing and sale in.

I think that these adverts that I chosen are good and go well with my magazine. The adverts link well with my genre and I think that this is important part as if the adverts were for something completely different it wouldn’t make my magazine look as good. These adverts are also suited for my target audience who would be interested in these sots of things. When linking this with uses and gratifications with these adverts it will be more tailored to my audience personal identity and what they enjoy doin in they spare time.

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