Favourite Music Video from Former Student

Favourite Music Video from Former Student

From all of the previous students music videos I have chosen this one to analyse.

– Technical conventions 

In the song where the band is playing the lip sinking looks good and doesn’t look too bad and fake. I think this is one of the key features that can make a video good or bad. But in this case they have done it well. Something they could have done slightly better would be the frame in some scenes. Although the fish looks really cool and adds effects when the band is playing in some sections it cuts out lots of the frame but this could have been done to focus more on the band.

– Narrative and performance 

Throughout the song there is a decent mixture of both narrative and performance. The band look good when playing and look quite real. The actual narrative side of the song however doesn’t really make sense and has big aspect of disjunction. It doesn’t link that well with the lyrics and song but is filmed well and I like the use of the fish eye.  The video gives the audience vibes around the summer and happy times which links well with the upbeat up beat song.

– How the star has been represented 

The way the video has been laid out makes the band look like a group of friends having fun and doing things like skating and playing around like friends would do. I think that the clothes that they are wearing throughout the video links well with that sort of skater vibe they are trying to use in the video.

– How has the video been styled 

As I mentioned earlier lots of clips of the band playing in the video has been used by filming it with a fish eye which I think this links well with the skater sort of theme they are trying to represent throughout the song. The video has been well edited with lots of short montage like clips of the band walking across the beach to add more effect. In sections they has also been effects added to the picture to add a bit more of a summer effect.


In conclusion I think this a good thing to review and watch some of the past students videos. This is because it has given me some more idea’s for when I film my video and and also has given me a heads up on what works and what doesn’t work when filming. Overall I like this video that they have made and the song works well with the narrative and performance. But also they were a few things that if they changed would have made the video a lot better.

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