Test shoots

Test shoots

Before we start to shoot are music video we have to get a good understanding of the song and equipment that we are goin to use. Our groups task was too film a short 15- 20 second clip of the song and try and lip sync over it. While doing this we also had to try and practice getting  variety of shots, angles and transitions to get a preview for what we could use in the future for the main thing. Below is are final lip sync video…. 

What we did well …. 

  1. We used a good variety of shots and angles through the clip.
  2. As a group we worked really well to prepare and come up with ideas for the lip sync.
  3. I like how we had quick change in shot to go with the beat of the song at the start.

What we could improve on…. 

  1. Try to get the music more synced with the performer.
  2. Maybe make the video closer to 20 seconds long.
  3. We could have used a better use of MES such as location and costume to show the genre better.
  4. I would have liked if we could have put some high or low angles in at some point to mix it up.

This task has been useful for me and the rest of the group it was task which was very trial and error and learn from the errors. I think it has been good to try to use the filming equipment and software to try and lip sync the song which will been very handy for the final video. I also leant a key feature  for this sort of task to edit to the beat of the song so it looks more professional and a quality video. I also now know what what type of shot or angles could work with the song to show the band and star image in an extraordinary way.

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