Pitch + Feedback

Pitch + Feedback


Below is our final pitch that we presented to are teacher for our music video.  From our are initial pitch we as a group thought about the decisions that we made and worked together to have the best ideas and improve it for the second draft of the pitch.

Below is the meeting we had with our teacher presenting the ideas we had come up with. 

Some positive things that came from this meeting were … 

  • We have a strong idea of the performance side of the shoot
  • We know who we are going to have in our band for the performance and who have a music background.
  • The location of were we are going to have our shoot is going to be good for the video
  • Able to understand the themes and ideas we have to work with for our music video.

Some things we need to think about and change before our shoot is …. 

  • We need to focus more on the Mise En Scene of are performance – This will give the audience a better understanding of what genre we are try to focus on.
  • To work out what the outline of are narrative is going to be – So we can try a create a story around it and link it in with the song.
  • Think if the performance and narrative of the song are going to link with each other – Many music videos have both performance and narrative aspects to them – The impact of this is it effects the audiences reactions and the feelings to the video.
  • What costumes we are going to use to link with the genre of the song to attract our target audience – If the costumes don’t go well with the genre it will confuse the audience.
  • Who is going to do what when it comes to the time of filming in terms of actors and recording the song – we want are video to be at the best standard so in order for that to happen we need every one to work together if this doesn’t happen this will impact the final cut of the video.


From have this meeting with are teacher we as a group have worked out more what is going to work for us and what we need to change. This was a good way of getting some constructive feedback to the whole group. We can now think more about what needs changing and get on with them working towards the targets and the end goal of shooting the video. I am looking forward to what the next few weeks work brings to our group and how we can tackle the challenges that face us. I feel like our group is working well and will be a key part having a successful  video.



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