Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

Music Video Draft 1 - Rough Cut


Above is the first draft of our music video. As this is are first draft the clip is only 1 minute long and the transitions and cuts between clips are not very good. However theses cuts and transitions can be improved in are future drafts. I am pretty happy with performance side of the video only a few things need syncing. However the the narrative is the big let down. Of course not all the clips are in it so the narrative but it is difficult to understand. The shots are all too long too so this is something else to think about for the next draft.  As a group we got on well with the software for the editing on premier pro  and got the hand of it quickly. The more we edited the better we got with the editing techniques and how it works.

Our targets for the shoots was too try and convey the meanings of the song through the narrative, showing how this boy is getting treated really badly by a girl but he still loves her and keeps going back to her. We were able to do this by using things like Mise En Scene with using props, make up, costume and lighting also using camera techniques. I feel like from the shoots we were able to achieve this to a certain degree and hopefully the audience understand what we are trying to show.

Targets to improve on for the next draft…
  • We need to sort out the narrative side of the video
  • Don’t have as long clips for the narrative
  • work on better transitions between the band and the performance
  • get a wider variety of angles and distances to show the story better
  • show all aspects of the band playing together and also separately

Our group now knows what to do in order for the next draft to be successful and we have set targets so we can reach them and stay on track. I am happy with what we have done for are first draft, however they is still lots of work to be done. As long as the group all inputs into the work we should be good for the next draft.


Changes since uploading.

Since uploading the first draft of our music video,Youtube decide to take down all student accounts and content. This meant that we lost the first draft of our music video.

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