Narrative Storyboard

Narrative Storyboard

The idea of this task was for us to plan out each of our narrative shots in detail by breaking them down into A4 story boards. Once we had drawn the shots we had to annotate each one with specific shot descriptions, angles, movements and frames. To make sure we would get lots of coverage and a verity of shots to convey the narrative to our target audience.

Below is our narrative story board sheets…

Storyboard of me walking into the bunker in one of the final scenes

Storyboard of me walking towards the bunker and picking up the guitar

Storyboard – establishing long shot of the bunker towards the end of the video

Storyboard – all of the groups ideas around the voodoo doll


From doing this task are group now have a more in-depth view on how we are going to structure and film each scene of the narrative side of are song. As well as making sure we get all of the key information for theses shots down too. It has broken key scenes down from movement to movement knowing the exact key angles, movements and framing we need. By drawing and breaking down these scenes we were also able to annotate them with the key techniques that are going to be used.

These drawings have help the group really think of what message we are trying to convey to are target audience / genre and why we have things in a certain way and what meaning this has to the overall video. It has helped us and now I feel more prepared to shoot the scenes. Some of these are very important in order for the audience to understand the narrative so it has helped planing them so we can’t get them wrong when filming .





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