Audience interaction with a social media page

Audience interaction with a social media page 
- An analysis

The task was for us as group to analyse an artists social media page online. To look for the key conventions that they use on it. We decide to choose the same band that we did the song from our music video, Catfish and the Bottlemen. Once we had decided on an artist or band and found the type of social media we wanted to analyse which was their instagram. We then had to answer several questions on what we found out, these were.

  1. What is conventional about the page in terms of technical conventions.
  2. How does the social media page encourage Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA) through its design and content
  3. How does the social media page enable the audience’s Uses and Gratifications or how does provide its users with opportunities for Entertainment, Information, Personal Identity and Social Interaction. 
  4. How far is the social media page a good example of integrated advertising and how far does it encourage it to go ‘viral’ and use ‘guerrilla’ marketing to help promote its star?
  5. How is the star represented – ordinary, extraordinary, present and absent.

As a group we answered these questions and record them over a screencastify which you can watch below.   


This task was useful to do as we learnt more about features that the bands and artists use to promote their start image to the audience through their individual social media pages. Whether this is on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. But not only to promote the band but also to show what they are up too, when they are releasing new things to the public, announcements and what they believe in and they views on what is happening in the world. The questions answered what type of people the band is and whether they are extraordinary or ordinary stars. It also gave us and insight to what type of audience the band has and why they like Catfish and the Bottlemen and the music they produce. All of this information is important to look into, remember and would be vital to add into are social media page when we create it.

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