Brand Moodboard & Star Image

Brand Mood-board & Star Image

Our task was to create a mood-board of my genre to get lots of different pictures of bands, lyrics, posters, other magazine covers,  concerts and designs to help me towards  getting some inspiration for my own music magazine. Also to get a good understanding of what it should look like and the content inside it .

Below is my mood-board….

Click on this image to view my mood board

Below is star image of Liam Gallagher…

It is important for a music genre to have a main star image. I had to do some research around my music genre and find someone who represents it best. For my start image I chose Liam Gallagher as I feel like he has an attitude like a rock star. He also fits perfectly around the paradox theory created by Richard Dyer. This theory states weather a star is extraordinary or ordinary and if there are absent or present. I feel like that Liam is more extraordinary and absent. Liam’s metanarrative over the years has changed due to things newspaper journalists have said about him making the public ether love or hate him more.


 Above is some ideas of clothes that my model could wear….

From doing these tasks I feel more confident with how magazine will turn out, especially with the front cover and what the cover star will look like before I do my shoot. I also know from this what other magazines in this type of genre look like and also what features they have in the magazine.

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