Complete Magazine Draft 3

 Complete Magazine Draft 3

Bellow is my 3rd draft of my magazine. It is very near completion but still has a few tweaks to be made. I feel like I have come on really far with what I have stated with and have learnt lots of important things during the process of doing this project.


Below are my draft three’s


To make my magazine the best it can be I got some feedback on what I have done well and what I can improve on from my teacher. The link to this Recorded conversation is below… 


Click on the photo to listen 

From this recording somethings that I need to change and improve on my draft three are…

Front cover

  • move the price and date around on the front cover
  • make sure the mast head is not completely covered by my star image
  • maybe add a cover line somewhere at the top of the front cover

Contents page 

  • make sure all of the writing is the same size for page references
  • check if the page number is in the center of the column
  • remove the dashes in the article information
  • get a closer up photo of Ollie

Double page spread

  • make sure they is space around the texts boxes of writing
  • remove the dashes in the article
  • try to sort out the sub line on the bottom of the first page
  • reword the end of the article leading into the next pages
  • think about changing the color of the writing in the  article.


I feel this is a good way of getting some criticism on my magazine. It has helped point out some changes on it that I would have not noticed because someone else is able to have a look at it. If I make these changes I feel like this will be the finale piece in making my magazine and then it will hopefully done and i can add it into flipsnack with my adverts

Chosen Adverts

Chosen Adverts

Now that I have completed my magazine. I can put my magazine into Flipsnack in order to do this I need to find some adverts to fill up the blank pages in between my articles. I have to choose 2 adverts that will suit my genre and fit well with my magazine.

The first advert that I have chosen is this

I have chosen this because it is a live virtual gig that is happening the month of my magazine released. Liam Gallagher is doing the gig who is one of Britpop’s most well known artists so fits perfect to go in my magazine. This is a perfect example of who my target audience for my magazine is as most of the people who read it would watch this. This would be good to place at the front of my magazine next to the contents page .

The second advert that I have chosen is this

I have chosen this advert because Pretty green is a popular clothing brand that many people wear. They specializes in making quality parkas and Mod clothes for both men and women that my target audience is likely to wear. This is something that will go better at the back of my magazine where lots of magazines put clothing and sale in.

I think that these adverts that I chosen are good and go well with my magazine. The adverts link well with my genre and I think that this is important part as if the adverts were for something completely different it wouldn’t make my magazine look as good. These adverts are also suited for my target audience who would be interested in these sots of things. When linking this with uses and gratifications with these adverts it will be more tailored to my audience personal identity and what they enjoy doin in they spare time.

2nd Draft of DPS

Seconded draft of double page spread

For my second draft of my double page spread I changed a few things from the first one, these were mainly the targets that I set myself.

These things were….
  1. Get most of my fonts for the article to be the same
  2. Tweak things like the color of text boxes
  3. Change the color of one of the photos to black and white to give it more effect
  4. Made my title look better by changing the font and make the size of the text bigger

Some targets that a am going to set myself for my final draft are…
  1. Fill in the text boxes with my article
  2. Add in my page numbers
  3. Sort out the placement of my caption and get the right sized font.
  4. Add in some more photos

I am happy with how the page is coming out and pleased with how the improvements that I have made with this draft. I think that I don’t need to change that much until it will be done.


Draft Feature Article

Draft Feature Article

Before doing my magazine double page spread I have to make my article about my genre. To do this right it is important to plan what type of article it is going to be and what I am going to say. Below is my planning sheet for my article.

Click on the image to view it better 


Once I planned my article, I wrote my first draft this is below.


Click on the image to view it better 


Click on the image to listen the article

When recording my article I asked the questions and got my brother to answer them. I did this so it felt more like a real article. I feel like from this first daft I am happy with how the article flows and sounds. I will be happy to hear what feedback my teacher gives me from this first draft so I can improve on it.

Some targets that I would give myself to improve on this would be

  1. Try not to stutter when reading the article
  2. Make sure the article is grammatically correct so it makes sense

Language Analysis

Language Analysis

Before I create my magazine article I have to get some basic understanding of what the layout is and what they look like and how they work. Our task was to pick a magazine article and analyse it for the key features that it conveys and the language that show ADIA that is shown through how the journalist writes it. The article that I chose was about Wyclef Jean and his 10 commandments on music and life. 

This is my language analysis on a magazine article that I have chosen

Click on the picture to get a better view of the article

The article

Wyclef Jean the rapper and musician’s rules for life – Q magazine – September 2017 

Who – Wyclef Jean 

What – Wyclef Jean 10 commandments on life 

Where – America 

When – September 2017 

Why – To tell the magazine audience about his experiences/rules for life. 

How – Through 10 key points about his experiences in a magazine article. 

The structure

The article is structured as life advice on music from a musician. It is very similar to an auto biography style of reading. It is quoted as his “rules for life” and what he has learnt about music over the years. I know this from the way it is set out by each number he has a subheading about something and then he explains the subheading and gives his advice on the situation by adding how that has affected him. The way the article is structured is a bit weird to your typical one. This is because normally a journalist asks questions to an artist or person and they answer them. However in this Wyclef Jean is sort of both by giving the reader advice on situations that he has encountered.   

Presence of journalist

The article is written in the first person with the writer Wyclef Jean giving his opinion on his life events. As the article is more of a Q and A then a written write up there is no distinct introduction and conclusion of who he is and what he is famous for. However I feel like throughout the article he is open about his experiences in life and the readers learn a lot about him and his personality by the end. I feel like the article is written in a direct mode of address. This is evident in the way he uses ‘you’ like he is talking to the reader. 

Language and aim

From reading  the article I can tell that the writer’s language is quite like slang and not formal. He is quite rebellious or doest care as he casually swears during the interview. In the article the writer uses a selection of different quotes. He does this to add extra information to the advice he is giving the reader. I feel like the reader will experience from reading this article lots valuable information about life from someone who knows a lot about music. The article is his 10 main tips for life and how to be successful from it. 

Representation of the performer

In the article the journalist is mainly Wyclef Jean. He is telling the audience about stories in his life and making it key things for the reader to take in. I think that the purpose of the article is to get more people to know about his life and also if people ever get in the same situations would have helped them on what to do. 


From doing this task I have got a better understand of how articles are written and how I can use this information to work towards my magazine article. I have even learnt from doing this how different magazine all have different layouts of double page spreads and each put the article in different  places. This is good for me as well as it gives me some good ideas for how I can do the layout of mine.

2nd Draft of Content Page

2nd Draft of Content Page
Here is my second draft of my contents page…

Since my first draft I have changed a lot of the DTP parts of the page but kept the main structure that I drew out on the paper. I have also added the main article photos that I am going to use and the text for the articles. For my final draft I still need to do a few things.

These targets will be to..

  1. Change the color of the contents box.
  2. Make sure the page numbers are inline with the article text.
  3. Slightly angle the photo of the guitar to the left.
  4. Make the size of the font for article 52 smaller.

2nd Draft of Front Page

2nd Draft of Front Page
Here is my second draft of my front cover.

From looking at the targets that I set my self for the first draft I am happy with what I have improved. I think that I know have a good understanding of what my magazine is going to look like and the layout. This draft is looking close to what the finish product will be, I just need to adjust a few things to make it perfect.

Some targets that I will set myself for my final draft will be…

  1. Sort out the layout of the information on the right hand side.
  2. Maybe add few more plugs and information but not making it too crowded.
  3. Make my barcode a bit smaller and have it laying down on its side.
  4. Try and keep all the fonts for the information the same.




Second Shoot Contact Sheets

Second Shoot Contact Sheet

Last week we went into town to get some photos for our double page spread for my music magazine. I had Ollie as model and felt like he did a good job to represents my genre well of Britpop. We took the photos in town and I think where we took them was good for my genre of a urban / back street area.

Below our the photos that I got from the shoot….

I am happy with the photos that I got from the shoot they are all in good focus and have the right lighting. I feel like I have got a good verity shots, angles and locations so I will have plenty to chose from. I made sure that we got lots of photos during the shoot so I had a big amount to choose from. As I feel from the past shoots I hadn’t got enough photos. What we did was in each location that we went to we tried to get 10 – 20 photos. With every photo slightly changed such as the angle, lighting, pose and distance.

I decided to bring a fish eye along with me to the shoot to try an get some different shots in the locations we went to. I used a fish to add more effect to some of the shots and thought that these could be used else where in my magazine. The photos that I got with the fish eye probably won’t be good enough for one of the main pages of my magazine, however I have thought that maybe I could make a album cover with the fish eye photos for an extra part of the magazine and to advertise it inside. However, from looking back at these shots I noticed that in most of them the full fish eye was not shown which is quite annoying but there are a few shots that I can use.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the shoot ….

I like these photos the most because I feel like they are good for my magazine and genre. The backdrop for the photos I feel are good and have that urban backstreet effect that I wanted. I think that some of them will be especially be good for my double page spread as they have lots of plain backgrounds where I can picture having writing around my model.

From doing this second shoot I have got more for my magazine that can be used for my double page spread. I am happy with the shots that I got and know what I can work with.

Draft of The Double Page Spread

Draft of The Double Page Spread

Here is my first draft for my double page spread. I am happy with how it looks so far. 

Here are some targets I want to set myself for my second draft
  1. Add in my real magazine article.
  2. Sort out what extra photos I am going to use.
  3. maybe change the font of my title to suit my genre more.
  4. any small tweaks that I notice need doing once I have started to edit things

Once I have done these adjustments I feel like that it will be good enough for my second draft and nearly my final draft.